The Eglex Association based in Monaco has the mission of protecting Human Rights and family values, focusing on Women’s Rights internationally.
We focus on the reinforcement of the role of a Woman in society, promotion of the rights of women to Motherhood, the importance of the Feminine qualities in the upbringing of children and in community governance.
We listen to and help women of international background. We also follow international developments in the field of women’s rights and raise awareness about them through social media, press and seminars.
Our goal is to exert influence on legislative initiatives globally by advocating locally (though media) but also through international law mechanisms, where the voice of the civil society representing the voices of women, is more and more heard and validated.
L'association "EgLex" a pour objet la promotion et la défense des droits de l’Homme, le renforcement de la solidarité et des valeurs de la famille, la facilitation de l’entente interculturelle en inspirant le progrès social, l’accueil et l’aide à ses Membres dans les multiples circonstances de leur vie, leur représentation devant le Gouvernement, le Conseil national et les tribunaux de Monaco, ainsi qu’au niveau international.
Association Founding Directors
Founding directors of International Cultural and Development Association of Monaco, Elena and Zhanna have decided to register the EgLex Association with the special focus on the issues of human rights violations in the area of family and parenting, offering support, guidance to those who may need it, assisting in structuring of social progress locally and internationally in cooperation with other organisations.
After the meeting at the UN CEDAW Committee
Zhanna Aidarkhanova - President (Human Rights Law student at the University of London)
Elena Titova - Vice President (LLM, Moscow)
Tatiana Griffiths - Honorary President (not pictured)